
  • Unity Engine
  • C#
  • Eye-tracker

Overheat is a project I was part of as Game programmer, during my 1rst year at CNAM-ENJMIN. The project had around 9 team members, where I was the only programmer and the pitcher.

OVERHEAT is a puzzle-oriented action game set in a post-apocalyptic universe and whose gameplay is based on the creative use of an alternative controller: the eye-tracker.

Play as a robot working in a plant-producing factory whose failed UV lamp has become a destructive laser as a result of an accident.

Control this laser with your own eyes and try to reach the repair robot at the other end of the factory, while causing as little damage as possible to the production !

During this adventure, you will have to adapt to this new way of interacting with a game environment, brought by the eye-tacker. Discover various situations where OVERHEAT lets you experiment with your eyes in unique and sometimes non-intuitive ways, solve diverse micro-situations and try to contain the ensuing chaos!